Wednesday, August 3, 2016



What is meth?
Meth is an illegal stimulant drug. Stimulant drugs cause activity in the mind and body. Meth causes many things to happen in your body. It can cause your blood pressure to go up as well as your heart rate to quicken. It also can cause damage to small vessels in your brain which can lead to a stroke. A stroke is when the blood supply can not get to certain  parts of your brain. It also has an effect on your mind. Meth can cause delusions, aggression, anxiety and insomnia. Delusions means to see or hear things that are not real. Insomnia is not being able to sleep. You can die from meth by taking to much.

 What does crank look like?
Don't mistake the picture above for blue pop rocks. Meth can come in many different forms and colors. Rock and powder form are most common. The colors range from a dull brown to orange.

How is meth made?
To start out meth is man made in hidden laboratories because it is illegal. The chemicals in meth start out with amphetamine and can also include acetone which is found in nail polish. Lithium which is found in batteries is also common to find in meth. Do you really want chemicals that are found in nail polish and batteries in your body?

 How is speed used? 
Speed can be injected, snorted, smoked or taken orally. The impact or high hits you quicker if you smoke or inject it which is why they are the preferred methods of use. Anyone can get wrapped up in using meth if they make the wrong decision just once, even you. College students, truck drivers, moms and dads are all offenders.

Legal Dangers?
 If you are found using meth it is a misdemeanor. If you're found distributing meth it is a felony. Either way you can get jail time. 

Fast Facts:
  • A pharmacologist in Japan developed meth 
  • It started in 1919
  • It was given to pilots in world war 2 but was found to make them aggressive.
  • The first meth outbreak started in Japan and spread to Guam.
  • It was regulated in the controlled substance act in the '70's 
  • In the 1900's and 2000's congress passes the Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act which regulates the buying and selling of chemicals that could be used to make meth. 
  • Meth is used widely by men who have sex with other men 
  • HIV is doubled by homosexual men who use meth opposed to those who don't.
  • An estimated 12 million people ages 12 and older have used meth.

A brief history of Methamphetamine - Alcohol and Drug ... (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2016, from

Hittner, J. B. (2016). Meta-analysis of the association between methamphetamine use and
high-risk sexual behavior among heterosexuals.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30(2),

National Drug Intelligence Center [U.S], 2003

Pennsylvania Meth Offenses | Criminal Lawyer | Hughes Firm. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2016,

Real Life Stories – Effects of Methamphetamine Drug Abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2016,                        

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