Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution in our oceans 
Have you ever wondered why our oceans aren't as clear blue like we see in pictures? Well this is caused by Ocean Pollution. Ocean Pollution is contamination in the water from harmful chemicals and pesticides. There are many ways that this occurs as well as multiple ways this problem can be solved.

Most pollution in the ocean is caused from oil spills and dumping of waste. Oil spills have occurred many times throughout the years and have taken a huge toll on marine life in the ocean. Another resource of pollution re industries who use synthetic materials such as plastic and inorganic pesticides. These materials have a greater punishment that some people could imagine.

Not only are these materials toxic, but they also increase chance of cancers, physical birth defects and mental retardation. Humans unknowingly used to drink contaminated water which led to various diseases such as cholera and typhoid. 10 percent of 100 million tons of plastic ends up in the sea each year. The debris accumulates in the water and is consumed by marine mammals, fish and birds who mistake it as food. More than a million seabirds and mammals die each year due to the ingestion of plastic.

Ways to decrease Pollution 
We can all decrease pollution just by simply picking up our trash. Using a reusable bag at the grocery store can generously impact our oceans. Larger scale solutions for ocean pollution would be to have stronger regulations on industries dumping their waste into the sea. Not putting items such as medicines and insecticides dow our drain, sink and toilet. By doing these things we can help to decrease pollution in our oceans.

Bernard, M. (2010, June).

Ferrara, A. History.
Water and Air Pollution. (2009).

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